Sport of the Future

23/07/2020 General | Saeed Abdul Ghaffar Hussain -Secretary General Authority of Sports

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Sport of the Future



Not a single day passes by, but comes with its sunshine an idea of a new technology that serves a specific section. These ideas may be born in a classroom, a factory, at home, a field, a playground, etc. 

The saying goes that “Necessity is the mother of invention”. Our passion and enthusiasm about the future are endless, and our necessities always exist which compels us to dream and invent things to satisfy our needs.

Today, in light of technological progress, we have to transfer and create a new technological world in our playgrounds and sports facilities to be – as always has been – the best in the world in terms of infrastructure and be able to host more continental and international championships and sports events. This innovation will transform sport into a tourist attraction, accumulating to other attractions that our country already enjoys, including safety, robust and booming economy, an ideal health environment, and cultural diversity.

Nowadays, sport is considered one the mainstays of tourist attractions. If our sports facilities are developed and linked to the world of advanced technology, then the sports movement in our country will be a vital stream of our prosperous economy.

When we talk about innovation in the sports field, we are talking about a bright future. Without innovation, our sport will stand still, or rather, it will retreat. That’s the reason why we have to get rid of the traditional thought and urge embracing innovative and cutting-edge methods.

Our valuable and precious asset of young men and women can harness the impossible and overcome the challenges, as they are definitely diligent. Dreams of hard-working and diligent people always emerge from their creative mood, and a creative idea may come in the form of a dream that leads us to innovation.

Our wise leadership is always at the forefront and proactive in the transition from traditional work to smart work. They provide all means of technological progress and took the UAE to space. Today, they put us on the cusp of Mars through the Hope Probe to discover a planet that we had never imagined or occurred to our minds to reach, making a breakthrough that we had never dreamed of.

We live in a country where the impossible never exists. That’s why we have to be inspired by this great approach and derive smart ideas and new innovations that can build us an attractive sport.

At the beginning, sports were simple, but little by little they were developed. To name just a few, there was no way to verify a referee’s decision while the match is in progress. However, today, this can be done because of the VAR (Video Assistant Referee) technique. Also, the " board" of replacing players was soon developed from simple “boards” to "electronic" ones. Examples are so many, including the Hawk Eye technology in Tennis, which is now the decisive and final decision in tennis games. 

The technological revolution enabled us to solve a lot of sports problems. Nowadays, we can see closed and air-conditioned gymnastic halls, while in the meantime, the world is witnessing developments in the growth of electronic sports.

This link between sport and the world of technology begs an inevitable question: How can innovation be harnessed to serve sports sector?

This question, in itself, is an invitation I extend on the “” for those with enlightened thought to unite and think together outside the box to adopt and fulfill the slogan of “Towards the Next 50”.


Saeed Abdulghaffar Hussain

Secretary General

General Authority Of Sports


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Anonymous Commented on 26/07/2020

كلام سليم ، التكنولوجيا اصبحت شريك في حياتنا اليومية و يجب تسخيرها في تطوير العمل الرياضي و الرياضة و هذا المجال كبير و يحتاج الى و ضع البرامج التطويرية من خلال منظومات عمل متكاملة لتحقيق الاستدامة و التطور الدائم ابتداء من المدارس و الجامعات و المعاهد المختصة في علوم الرياضة و الشراكة مع القطاع الخاص و التعاون مع المنظومات الرياضية الدولية

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